Ulcerative Colitis

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The condition

Ulcerative Colitis (UC) is an inflammation of the rectum and the colon leading to ulceration. It is one of the two conditions that are known as Inflammatory Bowel Diseases – the other being Crohn’s disease.

Most doctors now think the cause of UC is a combination of patients reacting to the usually harmless bacteria that everyone has in their colon, as well as a problem with the body’s immune system. An enormous research effort is underway to find out why patients with ulcerative colitis appear to react badly to bacteria that don’t usually cause any harm as well as ways in which the immune system can be regulated.

The symptoms

Treating Ulcerative Colitis

The choice of treatment will depend on the extent and severity of the inflammation within the large bowel. If the inflammation is confined to the rectum, it can usually be treated with suppositories.

Enemas can be useful if the disease is more extensive and oral or intravenous or intramuscular medication is used when the inflammation affects more of the colon. 

In more severe cases, the colon can be surgically removed. Although surgery can seem a drastic step, it does cure the disease, and there is rarely need for a colostomy bag.

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From well-equipped and convenient locations across West and central London, Devinder and his expert team provide unparalleled quality of care for the full range of GIT-related conditions.