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How can I help?

The condition

Fatigue, reduced focus, feeling weak – all of these are among the most common and life-impacting symptoms of anaemia.

The condition is caused by a reduced number of red blood cells in the body, causing a shortage of haemoglobin – the substance responsible for transporting oxygen around the body.

The symptoms

There are many different types of anaemia and many different causes. The most common causes include a poor diet, iron deficiency, decreased absorption of minerals and nutrients and gastrointestinal bleeding.

Careful monitoring to ascertain the best course of treatment for anaemia is vital. Tests include blood analysis, gastroscopy and colonoscopy, and treatment is aimed at correcting the anaemia with supplements and identifying and treating the cause.

Using the latest in diagnostic and treatment technology, Dr Bansi offers anaemia treatment from locations across West and Central London.

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From well-equipped and convenient locations across West and central London, Devinder and his expert team provide unparalleled quality of care for the full range of GIT-related conditions.